My passion is coaching educators to instill in their students the love of mathematics by helping them understand the concepts and apply these to related fields. As a consultant for EDFOCUS, I am able to pursue this passion utilizing the Common Core Standards to generate curriculum maps and units that will insure student understanding, applications, and critical thinking.
The most important faction of education is instructing students to think critically and empowering students to problem solve for themselves in varied situations. As a mathematics educator, I insist that students be actively engaged, so they will discover concepts on their own. By instructing them to understand mathematics rather than memorizing numerous algorithms, students are soon able to analyze and formulate solutions on their own.
When teachers use best practices and the Common Core Standards to create lessons that are hands-on and relevant to the students’ lives, performance on high stakes tests as well as a true level of understanding will improve and learning becomes interesting and fun. Seeing teachers and students experience this inspires and encourages me to continue to work in the field of mathematics education.