EdFOCUS Initiative Experts in Ohio State Testing Standards


School Transformation

The EdFOCUS Team takes great pride in the total customization of its services and products. Our commitment is to discover and accommodate the precise circumstances and needs of each client, and to provide the specific on-site support required throughout the relationship. From the initial interview through the last handshake, our goal is to “work ourselves out of a job,” by empowering schools and districts to take control.

We measure our success by how well we help each client develop the capacity to sustain and continually enrich their accomplishments. Although clients begin their selection of services from the following menu, it’s all about customizing and adjusting to achieve the best fit!

EdFOCUS Initiative offers the following services:

  • Assist staff to integrate the state academic content standards in Math, English/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies into every classroom, reflected in year-long Curriculum Maps (this includes the Common Core, if applicable)
  • Help teachers develop standards-based Unit Plans that contain “best practices” strategies to deliver and assess daily classroom instruction
  • Train staff to develop standards-based formative and summative assessments
  • Assist teachers and administrators in the effective use of data to plan instruction and provide targeted and timely intervention
  • Build teacher leadership capacity
  • Establish Professional Learning Communities that feature Teacher-to-Teacher Collaborative Observation
  • Incorporate 21st Century Skills into Unit Plans to foster College and Career-Readiness
  • Create a collaborative system for teacher growth based on the state teacher evaluation standards
  • Work with administrative teams to develop the skills and procedures necessary to sustain curricular reforms and continuously monitor classroom practices
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