dFOCUS works with schools to help staff analyze test data, prioritize strengths and weaknesses, identify patterns or trends in results, and integrate the results into the curriculum. By training principals and teachers to accurately interpret test results, EdFOCUS consultants help districts bring their data to life and help it to actually drive classroom instruction.
One component is a
Data Wall, compiled separately for each subject. It uses green ink to highlight strengths and red ink to designate weaknesses. Some schools add a third layer—yellow. Their “greens” are those tested concepts for which 75% of the students scored well; their “reds” are concepts where fewer than 50% of the students showed understanding. “Yellow” indicates those concepts for which 50-74% of the students showed success. Most districts post the Data Wall in the faculty work room where staff can apply sticky-notes with student names to indicate progress in specific skill areas.
Another technique is to help school staffs look for Error Patterns. School staffs determine which concepts have proven the most problematic—and for which particular students. By drilling down beneath the test items that measure each concept, school staffs can identify the types of errors made by students.
For multiple choice items, the distractors chosen by each student provide insight into his and her level of understanding.
EdFOCUS helps each grade level team
their needs and strengths. That is, they identify the 5-10 concepts that need to be addressed (“red”) as well as 5-10 concepts that have been mastered (“green”). As the teams discuss these two extremes, it is important that they distinguish the kinds of instruction used for the “green” concepts from that used with the “red.” More importantly, they can see the connections between the teaching strategies and student responses to determine the impact of teacher-effects on their students’ test performance.
Once the types of errors and any patterns are identified by grade-level or AYP group, the school staff should next turn to the curriculum and ask themselves several driving questions:
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